This article appears in the current issue of the Glendale magazine. I’m looking forward to being at the Cheviot Centre on Friday 27 September. See you there?


Local author Aidan K. Morrissey will be giving an audio visual presentation of the characters, places and events, which inspired his recently published novel ‘The Awakening Aten.’

The talk entitled ‘Three tombs that inspired a novel’ will include Aidan reading excerpts from his book along with a fascinating, light hearted visual presentation of the tombs and artefacts which feature in the story.

With the backdrop of the Pyramids and the many Tombs of Kings, nobles and workers, visited today by thousands of tourists every year, ‘The Awakening Aten’ gives an imaginative voice to men women and children who lived, loved, fought and died over 3000 years ago. War, murder, intrigue, tomb robbing  and executions are mingled with the fictional daily lives of Pharaohs, nobles  and commoners.

‘The Awakening Aten’ has been well received by reviewers:

‘This was such a fascinating and very insightful novel with some fabulous detail. Following different families as they made their way through the story. It has left me very eager to read the next in the series.’

‘A character driven epic with beautifully descriptive writing that brings this ancient world to life.’

‘The plot is told in rich details of real battles, culture and struggles. It was perfectly paced to keep me glued to the pages… I had trouble putting it down because I felt so immersed in a culture I didn’t know much about’

‘Beautifully written and crafted…there is also a fabulous hidden coming-of-age story at the end. Brilliant!

Meet and chat to Aidan at the Cheviot Centre, 27th September 2019 10:30 to 12:30. Tickets available from Eventbrite